Bitcoin Locker for links

Posted by Marian Vasilescu on June 20, 2019 in Software

Cryptocurrency is becoming very popular, with practically crypto applications for every industry. Do you want to protect your content, files, apps online ? Do you want to earn cryptocurrency for downloads? We will talk about Revolutionary cryptocurrency locker and what are the best options for a crypto locker.

Let’s start with the basics : Bitcoin has come far in a relatively short time. All over the world, companies, from REEDS Jewelers, a large jewelry chain in the US, to a private hospital in Warsaw, Poland, accept its currency. Billion dollar businesses such as Dell, Expedia, PayPal, and Microsoft do, too. Websites promote it, publications such as Bitcoin Magazine publish its news, forums discuss cryptocurrency and trade its coins. It has its application programming interface (API), price index, and exchange rate. Problems include thieves hacking accounts, high volatility, and transaction delays. On the other hand, people in third world countries may find Bitcoin their most reliable channel yet for giving or receiving money.

Bitcoin Transactional properties: Pseudonymous: Neither transactions or accounts are connected to real-world identities. You receive Bitcoins on so-called addresses, which are randomly seeming chains of around 30 characters. While it is usually possible to analyze the transaction flow, it is not necessarily possible to connect the real world identity of users with those addresses.

Blockchain tech and applications : Transactions are broadcast, and every node is creating their own updated version of events. It is this difference that makes blockchain technology so useful – It represents an innovation in information registration and distribution that eliminates the need for a trusted party to facilitate digital relationships. Yet, blockchain technology, for all its merits, is not a new technology. Rather, it is a combination of proven technologies applied in a new way. It was the particular orchestration of three technologies (the Internet, private key cryptography and a protocol governing incentivization) that made bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto’s idea so useful.

We recommend : MinerLock , a revolutionary cryptocurrency locker!

Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Monero, Dash, and DodgeCoin are currently available for payment options for your visitors. Have a digital product you want to sell? Use our Bitcoin Payment Gateway and earn the maximum amount of money from your buyers by monetizing your content via cryptocurrency. See extra details on satoshibox.

How it works for the seller : Seller uploads his digital product, download, or content to MinerLock and selects the price and cryptocurrency payment options. Seller promotes/shares his protected link to potential buyers, clients, and downloaders. How it works for the buyer/downloader: Buyer visits protected weblink and selects which cryptocurrency he wishes to make payment with. Buyer makes payment to unique wallet address for that file and payment only. Once the transaction is confirmation on the blockchain, MinerLock will automatically unlock access to the file provided to the buyer. The buyer has 12 hours to access the unlocked content using their unique ip address only and server-side cookie before it automatically locks again.