The comprehensive tips book for coffee lovers

Posted by Amelia Whitehart on May 7, 2020 in Shopping

Full guide for coffee lovers: Proper storage of coffee has a great impact on the flavor of the brewed cup. Enemies to coffee’s flavor include heat, oxygen, light, and moisture. Most commercial coffee today is sold in vacuum-sealed bags with one-way valves to allow gasses to escape while keeping oxygen out. Once the seal on the bag is broken, extra care must be taken to keep the beans fresh. At home, coffee beans should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark, and dry place. Although some people advocate keeping coffee beans in either the refrigerator or freezer, this can present issues with exposure to circulating air, excess humidity, and absorption of rogue flavors.

Cortado – An espresso shot served with just a small splash of milk. It’s a Spanish drink also known as cafe manchado in some parts. Cortadito – Cafe Cubano added with warm milk in 1:1 ratio is Cortadito. This term is often confused with Cortado but they have a slight difference. Cafe Bombon – Espresso with sweet condensed milk is referred to as Cafe Bombon. For sweet tongue, this is a great drink to try. Cafe Con Leche – An espresso shot served with separate hot milk. Usually, hot milk is added in 1:1 ratio of espresso. Carajilo – Espresso served with alcohol and no milk is Carajilo. It’s a Spanish form of coffee popular over there, but now some other parts of the world too. Espresso Romano – An espresso with some twist of lemon is called Romano. A proper way to best taste this drink is – add some lemon juice at the bottom of your cup and rub the lemon around the rim. Then drop the espresso shot to taste the different side of coffee.

Let’s discuss about latte machines. Italians love their coffee and DeLonghi is one of the most popular brands on the market. The EC702 is from the budget range of home machines and there’s no compromise on quality. With a nifty filter allowing you to use either ground coffee or pods, you can enjoy your favorite espresso in single or double size. All coffee comes out with a first-class crema. If you prefer a longer and creamier drink, you’re in for a treat. The frothing system mixes steam and milk to produce cappuccino or latte just like you bought it in a coffee shop.

More often than not, when we think of how coffee is categorized and marketed, we’re usually thinking of things like roasting profiles or source of origin. This information is certainly helpful in identifying what to expect with a given coffee, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. Let’s take a closer look at what types of coffees are out there and what makes each of them unique. There are four primary types of coffee beans we’ll be discussing here: Arabica (Coffee arabica), Robusta (Coffee caniphora), Liberica (Coffee liberica), and Excelsa (Coffee liberica var. dewevrei). Let’s discover what differences define these various types of coffee. Find more details at Coffee Informer.

Typica is your “typical” Arabica. It’s a variety that encompasses a number of the most popular and most sought after regional coffees including Kona, Java, Jamaican Blue Mountain, and more. This variety started in Yemen before being spread far and wide through trade. It first made it to Malabar India and Indonesia before eventually reaching the West Indies. Some subvarieties of Typica include Sumatra, Bergendal, Rume Sudan, Amarello de Botancatú, Blawan Paumah, and Java Mocha. Also, there are a number of Typica mutations, including Mokka*, Pluma Hidalgo, Creole, Ethiopian Harrar, Blue Mountain, Villa Sarchi, Ethiopian Sidamo, Ethiopian Yiragacheffe, San Ramón, and Sidikalang (just to name a few). Bourbon is probably one of the most common sub varieties of Typica. It got its start in the early 1700s when the French brought an Arabica Typica plat to the island of Bourbon (now Reunion). A slight mutation occurred and the variety eventually spread across Central and South America. These plants are popular because they produce more coffee cherries than other Typica varieties. Sub-varieties of Bourbon include French Mission, N39, Mayaguez, Arusha, Jackson, K20, Kenya Selected, and SL35 ; and Pointu, Semperlorens, Caturra, SL34, Tekic, and Pacas are mutations from this variety.