MLM software applications with CMS features

Posted by Marian Vasilescu on June 1, 2019 in Marketing

What is multi level marketing ? Network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing, is a business model which involves a pyramid structured network of people who sell a company’s products. The participants in this network are usually remunerated on a commission basis. That is, people in this network get commission every time they perform the specified task, like Make a sale of a product.Their recruits make a sale of the product. In simple words, this model involves a pyramid structure of non-salaried participants who get paid whenever they or a person below them in the pyramid makes a sale. In this system, consumers are the participants. Their family and friends are their customers, and this cycle goes on.

MLM Terms: Downline: Your downline contains the recruits brought in below you. This can include members you’ve recruited as well as those your recruits have brought into the business.

Too many people get caught up in the hype of potential big income from MLM, that they don’t pay enough attention to what the company is asking you to sell. You can’t sell something or share your business if you don’t genuinely have pride in what you are representing. Do your MLM research and partner with a company that has a product you can get excited about. Don’t forget to look into the company’s compensation plan before you join and make sure it is favorable to you.

Because of its relational aspect, the products usually involved, and the gender of the consultants themselves, women are the predominant target for MLM strategies. However, the gender proportion shifts significantly in the case of financial and/or insurance companies. When it’s time to develop a financial portfolio or consider a term life-insurance policy, it’s usually a joint decision made by husband and wife, or by the head of the household regardless of gender.

For assurance of quality, we build our software on the best the best and most secured platform . This framework is also built on the #1 framework out there in the software world – the Opensource Laravel framework. The UIs of our menus are very flexible and adaptive with some extended privileges and features like drag and drop option, custom permission option, multi-lingual option, multiple selection support, etc.

Hybrid MLM is certified by the ISO for delivery of high quality software solution and provision of real-time support/consultancy services for any level of MLM business challenges. We have a team of expert software developers and business professionals that are committed to giving you top-notch software solutions with innovative features that will help your business grow profitably. See more details at Hybrid MLM software.

How Does the Binary Plan Work? The way the binary plan works is very simple. The profit margin here depends solely on your downline being active. Most companies that operate with the binary plan give compensation based on the weaker leg. That is to say, the binary bonus is paid based on the sales of the left team if it has fewer business sales than the right team.