Lead gathering digital marketing agency in US

Posted by John Concrane on November 29, 2019 in Marketing

Searching for a digital marketing company in US offering story-telling web copy ? We have excellent news for you! We will talk about the latest marketing methods in 2019 and also introduce you to one of the leading digital marketing agencies in US.

And don’t just think YouTube. There are plenty of ways to drive higher engagement with your video marketing, as you can make a video post or start a live broadcast on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. One of the issues that marketers have faced in recent years is the growing shift to mobile devices. Those long-form sales pages and emails of yesteryear are fading fast because they’re simply too difficult to read on small mobile screens. However, video can present the same information in a format that works perfectly regardless of the device. If your site includes video, it’s 50X more likely (50 times!) to drive organic search results compared to text. Why? Because people find video content more compelling, so Google pushes pages that include videos higher in the rankings. One of the best things about video marketing is that it makes it easy to reformat your content. Imagine that you’ve recorded a video for your YouTube channel. Instead of just publishing it on YouTube, you could also: Get it transcribed so you have a text version of the video, Publish the transcription on your blog under an embedded YouTube video for better rankings, Upload the raw video with the transcription as subtitles to Facebook (native Facebook videos get a much higher impression share and engagement than shared YouTube videos), turn the transcription into a standalone blog article with a short rewrite and addition of relevant stats and images.

Since Google dominates the results that businesses get from search engine marketing our summary of the search trends here focuses on Google. Carolanne Mangles reported for us back in August on some of the biggest changes Google made in 2018, many of which will be deployed and evolve in 2019. The most obvious change is the launch of the Google Marketing Platform which saw AdWords renamed to Ads and the Doubleclick ad platform and analysis tools like Google Analytics, Data Studio, and AB testing through data studio more tightly integrated. For organic search the update to keep an eye on in 2019 is Google’s Speed Update which penalizes slower sites and was released after months of trials. While this will initially only affect the slowest sites, from past experience, we can expect Google will change the weighting on the algorithm to affect more sites that don’t improve their speed within time.

If you’ve ever created a buyer persona, you’re already familiar with personalization. 90% of the U.S. population found personalized marketing content very or somewhat appealing in 2017, with only 4% saying it was not very or not at all appealing. According to Forbes, 44% of consumers say they are likely to buy from a company again after a personalized shopping experience. The key differentiator between programmatic and traditional advertising is that programmatic can occur in real time. This puts more power in the hands of the advertiser. Potentially, even small advertisers can leverage programmatic advertising for maximum ROI. But it’s precisely how they use this power that determines whether advertisers are successful. Programmatic advertising relies on a combination of automation, big data, and technical expertise. You still need human capital to do it, which not every business has. In its current form, it’s a better option for brands with mass-market appeal than those with niche appeal. Nonetheless, with programmatic ads taking over digital display advertising, it’s a trend to keep tabs on.

At Trigacy, with our digital marketing services, we generate results. When it comes to business, there’s no use of building a ‘Taj-Mahal’ if you can’t make money from it, at least in the long term. Hence, we focus on the features which can generate results. Let it be more sales, more website traffic or branding; we always want to see the graph going up. And that’s what you should expect from the ‘Trigacy- results.’ Because at the end of the day it’s not about quantity but quality! Your website is the most valuable asset you have in attracting new customers and delighting them. We build plans that target, engage, score, and analyse the activity in your market. Trigacy offers a complete range of digital marketing services like SEM, SEO, Graphic Design, Video Animation, Content Writing, etc. Read additional details on Digital Marketing Services Canada.