Premium Among Us guides right now

Posted by Marie Poppins on July 26, 2022 in Entertainment

Quality Among Us guides? Here are a few tips to help you identify the faker and stay alive as a Crewmate in Among Us. In our guide on how to be a good Crewmate in Among Us, we already mentioned specific ways in which Impostors can give themselves away. However, here are a few more indicators to know whether or not someone is hiding a sinister secret under their hazmat suits. Keep an eye out for people who start to suddenly follow you around. The maps are very small and the rooms are often connected by narrow hallways. It stands to reason that you’ll often run alongside a person or two. However, Impostors tend to be a bit erratic; instead of walking directly to certain rooms to complete tasks (since they can’t actually perform most of them), they will often change directions suddenly. If you see someone walking towards a certain direction, and they change their course to follow you when you pass by, then keep running and find another crewmate ASAP as this person might be the Impostor. Find more information at

Sabotage during the kill cooldown time if it is long: After a kill, if you have 20 or more seconds before you can kill again, use that time to sabotage (after escaping to a safe location, of course). That way, you distract every crew member into fixing the damage. What benefits does it have? After a sabotage, most crew members (and the smart impostors too) try to rush to the location and as an impostor, you can find another victim after the cooldown.

How to Use the Vents in Among Us: Vents work similarly to secret passages in the board game Clue, only connecting two or three rooms each. The only place this is not the case is on MIRA HQ, where all the rooms are connected through Among Us’ Vents. Only Impostors are able to use these Vents and when a player gets close to one as an Impostor, the Sabotage button in the bottom-right corner of the screen gets replaced with a Vent button. Impostor players should click this button to use the Vent system. Any Crewmate in the room can see the animation when the Impostor enters the Vents, immediately giving them away. Impostors will need to take great care not to use the Vents in view of another Crewmate, or they’ll be found out. This is also true if the Impostor disappears from one room and appears in another in view of an Among Us Crewmate.

Imposters are typically the ones to report a kill before others. They are also interested in reporting others as imposters and always decide to vote out others as imposters. Imposters are typically loud and make a lot of noise or they are absolutely silent. Watch out for both kinds of extreme behaviours. It is better not to vote unless there is solid proof against the player you want out, to avoid any kind of suspicion. If you vote for other crewmates it will serve as the easiest way to raise eyebrows. Thus, you must always vote in the group.

How To Play Among Us game? The game requires 4-10 players and places them in astronaut gear of spaceship crew. Among these crewmates, one or sometimes three crew members are “imposters” who aim to kill the crewmates, whereas the other crew members want to escape unharmed. In order to win the game, the crewmates have to avoid being killed and complete their given tasks, which have been assigned to them in the three maps of the game. The players can detect and vote off the imposters in the crew meetings.