Category: Health

Cryolife tech news

Asian’s Godfather of Cord Blood, Professor Takahashi Tsuneo Joined the “Cryolife Cord Blood Bank” and “Hong Kong Medisun” In May 2017, CRYOLIFE Cord Blood Bank (Hong Kong Medisun Medical Group members) formally appointed the Godfather of Cord Blood in Asia, Japanese regenerative medicine expert Professor Takahashi Tsuneo as the Chief Scientist. Professor Takahashi will lead
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The famous HIV virus discoverer Robert Gallo joined Medisun Medical Group

The famous American virologist – HIV virus discoverer Robert Gallo joined Medisun Medical Groupedisun Bringing the best cancer and AIDS treatment technologies to China Robert Gallo, a famous American virologist, joined Medisun Medical Groupedisun In February 2017, Medisun Medical Group officially announced the appointment of Robert Charles Gallo, a famous American virologist, as a member
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Contest Prep for Female Bodybuilders

This article will detail a lot of the methods and products used by women bodybuilders to achieve great fitness results while being health safe. So many questions …. What are the best steroids for women to use and what are the potential benefits and side effects? Almost every female bodybuilder has questions about steroids women
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Hong Kong National Investment and Harvard University Stem Cell Institute starting a high quality partnership

Hong Kong National Investment and Harvard University Stem Cell Institute have a strong cooperation. Mr. Brock Reeve, CEO of Harvard Stem Cell Research Institute, is the Chief Investment Officer of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medisun at National Investment and Medici Medical Group. 2015-05-11 China Securities Journal On May 8, 2015, Hong Kong Medisun Regerative Medical
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Mayo and Medisun have joined forces to enter the Chinese medical market

Medisun Medical Group 2015-01-26, Taking the first year of China’s medical reform in 2015 as an opportunity, Mayo and Medisun have joined forces to enter the Chinese medical market in large numbers. It can be said that it is at the right time. Dr. Cao Shengyu, President of Medici Medical Group, former General Manager of
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Heart failure patients helped to regain health by Stem Cell Therapy

The International Forum on Heart Failure and Stem Cell Therapies Focus on C-Cure Technology and Launch Ceremony of Phase III Multisite Clinical Trial in China was held jointly by six organizations including Experts Committee of China Council for Medicine International Promotion, National Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Industrial Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, etc on August
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