Accredited top quality TEFL classes in Madrid, Spain

Posted by Amelia Whitehart on April 1, 2020 in Business

Accredited excellent quality TEFL jobs abroad? We collaborate with an English teacher recruitment agency. This agency works to find all types of teaching positions. Our TEFL Madrid Academy is committed to offering you the complete “after TEFL” support. Armed with a TEFL Certification, you can hunt around Spain jobs with lucrative career opportunities and compensation. We help you find the best TEFL jobs in Spain to fit your needs and we also own a network of academies in this city, take a look! TEFL Madrid is one of finest and highly acclaimed TEFL institutes in the country, with over 2000 students having passed through our corridors and placed in well respected jobs. Managed by former TEFL teachers, based out of Florida and Madrid, with branches all over the country, TEFL Madrid Academy offers lifetime support to all its students and ensures they land a job in a prestigious institute as they finish up their course.

No renewal necessary. I’m sure most of you can relate to standing in a long, unnecessary line at the DMV to renew your drivers’ license or passport. No need for such hassle with your TEFL certificate. Once you have it, you’re good to go. Wonder where to go? Check out these Ten Best TEFL Courses Abroad from our 2019 Official Report. All together now, “It’s for life!” You’ll never have to worry about missing that flight because you forgot to renew your TEFL certificate. Been there, done that? Oops. Talk to any graduated, traditionally certified teacher and they will be able to tell you all about mandatory in-services and continuing education credits. Sure, arguments could be made against this fact, but those with TEFL certificates typically employ their polished skills shortly after they have that certification in hand. And if not, there is certainly a niche for a non-traditional TEFL teachers. Are you in your 30s, 40s, or 60s? There are positions just for you, too. Get the inside scoop on TEFL for seniors.

Here is the full TEFL guide, with all you need to know in single post. Teaching others English really is a great and rewarding career! It offers lots of possibilities to independence, visiting, exploration, and adventure. Your future employer will love your CV if you can demonstrate culture awareness and your contacts all over the world. Your willingness to leave your hometown and country and work abroad is a big plus in any job interview. Prospective employers will know you have dealt with culture shock and that you’ll be able to use the experience you’ve gained in your new job. Working abroad shows that you can be flexible and resourceful. Also, employers will know that you have the skills to train colleagues should the need arise. Find even more details on

There’re a lot of formalities and legal paperwork needed to be taken care of when moving to Spain or taking a TEFL course abroad. You’ve also got get the NIE permit and if you wish reside here for more than 3 months, you can’t do it under a tourist visa. Even if you do get a student visa, you can only work for a maximum of 20 hours a week. Our TEFL abroad program experts take care of all these issues and the extensive paperwork as well, letting you concentrate on your objective of becoming a Tefl teacher abroad.

For our spanish guests:

Asesoría de principio a fin: nuestros profesores te darán toda la información que requieras sobre becas de estudio en países de habla inglesa, cómo aplicar a las universidades y cuál es el puntaje TOEFL mínimo que necesitas. Los precios más competitivos: nuestro objetivo principal es que los alumnos tengan éxito en sus vidas, tanto a nivel académico como profesional. Por eso te ofrecemos planes con precios competitivos que puedes escoger según tus posibilidades.

Modalidad general, con un ritmo habitual de clases, en las que se avanza de manera progresiva por las secciones que conforman el TOEFL: Listening (prueba de comprensión auditiva), Speaking (prueba oral), Reading (prueba de lectura) y Writing (prueba de escritura). 4 horas semanales: máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 16 horas lectivas en total. 6 horas semanales: plan de estudio popular, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 24 horas lectivas en total. 10 horas semanales: máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 40 horas lectivas en total. 20 horas semanales: plan mensual intensivo, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 80 horas lectivas en total.

Necesitas preparar el examen TOEFL? Prepárate para presentar el examen de TOEFL en Madrid con nuestro equipo de profesores americanos nativos, certificados en la enseñanza del idioma inglés como lengua extranjera, expertos en la aplicación del Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Ver aún más detalles TOEFL Madrid.

Método de aprendizaje optimizado, ideal para potenciar en tiempo récord todas las habilidades necesarias en función de aprobar el test TOEFL en Madrid con una puntuación excepcional, por encima de los 100 puntos. 2 semanas: plan de estudio popular, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 24 horas lectivas en total. 3 semanas: plan de estudio general, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 24 horas lectivas en total. 1 semana: plan de estudio súper intensivo, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 20 horas lectivas en total.