Ways to increase your Youtube videos view count

Posted by Amelia Whitehart on September 18, 2019 in Business

Improve your Youtube channel subscriber numbers tricks, this is a hot issue amongst Youtube content creators. Within the YouTube platform, you can upload your video, including a title, tags, and a description for your audience. These things will help your audience to find your video through. If you are planning to create more than one video on a particular topic you can create a playlist and add it to this. Think about adding cards and captions to your video to help users navigate more effectively around your channel. Which is why one of the easiest ways to get more views on YouTube is to encourage your current viewers to subscribe because gaining subscribers will increase the number of views on each new video that you release. How do you get viewers to subscribe?

Write a good video description. In your video description, consider telling people a story instead of describing what’s happening in the video. Be entertaining, and remember that the description area is not the place to hit messaging points. PETA does a good job of video description storytelling in their video “Circuses in 60 Seconds Flat.” However the easiest method is to buy subscribers from a marketing agency, that can advertise your channel to a larger audience.

Use Descriptive and Keyword Rich Titles: This is where your keyword research will come into play. A descriptive and interesting title will do two things: provide keywords for the algorithm to sort for relevancy purposes and attract users and inform them about what the video is about. To conduct keyword research, you can use typical SEO methods like using keyword planner or other keyword research tools. To check keyword popularity on YouTube, go to keyword planner and select YouTube search on the far right. Optimizing your video content for the right keywords will help gain organic views by informing users and the search engine just what your video is about.

SEO is not just limited for Google, but you need to do SEO for the video by incorporating keywords in the video title and description. Make sure that they are search engine optimized. If you are creating a video on how to make Italian pasta, then you need to have the keywords that people usually search for this. Keep your description detailed and include the links to your social media accounts. It is important to use a suitable thumbnail instead of using an over the top sensational thumbnail. The thumbnails which are misleading are completely against YouTube’s terms and conditions. The thumbnail is such that it informs people what the video is all about so that they can confidently click on it and watch it. A good and apt thumbnail is important to encourage people to watch the video.

“People come to expect your content. You create a dependable rhythm like your favorite TV show. You know it comes on every week. Plus, when you create more content you increase the number of places people find you online. Instead of seeing your brand for one or two YouTube searches, you start to appear again and again in search results.” A simple formula that works is this: 1×4. Publish four YouTube videos every month. That breaks down to one video every week. It’s an easy number to remember and you’ll soon see new YouTube subscribers trickling in. Your Task: Commit to a publishing schedule. An easy formula: one YouTube video every week for a total of four a month. Expand your reach with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. YouTube is a fantastic way to attract free subscribers. And often what works on YouTube can also work on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter video. Expand your reach by publishing your YouTube videos on different social networks. With Hootsuite, you can do this pretty quickly. Use Hootsuite to upload and schedule your YouTube videos—and then publish that same video to other video networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It’s also easy to use our video integrations—such as the amazing tool Vidyard—to access detailed video and conversion data. Source: https://subsshop.com/.