Raise your Youtube videos view count tips

Posted by Marie Poppins on August 29, 2019 in Marketing

Do you want to increase your Youtube videos view count, this is a popular topic amongst Youtube content providers. Within the YouTube platform, you can upload your video, including a title, tags, and a description for your audience. These things will help your audience to find your video through. If you are planning to create more than one video on a particular topic you can create a playlist and add it to this. Think about adding cards and captions to your video to help users navigate more effectively around your channel. Cards and end screens are tools that you can use to promote your videos to get more views on YouTube. First, you’ll need to verify your YouTube account to access these features. To do this click on your profile picture in the top right, and then click ‘Creator Studio’.

Pick tags that will be good for SEO. Your constituents are using YouTube as a search engine – so you should be too! Think about what your supporters are searching, and make sure those keywords are included in your video tags. Keep in mind that what people are searching isn’t always an accurate description of the video. However the easiest procedure is to buy subscribers from a online marketing company, that can advertise your videos to a larger audience.

YouTube behavioral analytics provide you with a lot of actionable insights and metrics to inform every decision you make to increase your video views. Create End Screens: End screens serve the unique function of doing a little bit of everything at the end of your video. It’s a chance to provide users who enjoyed your content with all the relevant information regarding your channel, other playlists, recommended videos, and your verified website. Adding Youtube Video Endscreens: Whether you’re gaining more subscribers or linking to your other videos, both optimization features directly or indirectly to boost your YouTube views. To add end-screens, go to your Video Manager, click edit on the video you want to add to, and click End Screens & Annotations. From there you’ll be able to add the additional features.

YouTube already has this default system where it automatically chooses 3 images which are apt as a thumbnail for your video. But then you can also create your own thumbnail and upload it. Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform. You must connect your Facebook account with your YouTube channel in order to have further engagement and discussion on your video. Facebook is also useful for reaching out to your subscribers when they are not active on YouTube. You can post the video as an embedded video to generate more views. Twitter is a platform where you can keep the conversations moving related to your area of concern. Since Twitter heavily works on the hashtag, you can research on a hashtag which is popular and make a video related to that. Whatever Tweets that you are putting on Twitter must contain relevant hashtags so that the audience is driven towards it.

“People come to expect your content. You create a dependable rhythm like your favorite TV show. You know it comes on every week. Plus, when you create more content you increase the number of places people find you online. Instead of seeing your brand for one or two YouTube searches, you start to appear again and again in search results.” A simple formula that works is this: 1×4. Publish four YouTube videos every month. That breaks down to one video every week. It’s an easy number to remember and you’ll soon see new YouTube subscribers trickling in. Your Task: Commit to a publishing schedule. An easy formula: one YouTube video every week for a total of four a month. Expand your reach with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. YouTube is a fantastic way to attract free subscribers. And often what works on YouTube can also work on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter video. Expand your reach by publishing your YouTube videos on different social networks. With Hootsuite, you can do this pretty quickly. Use Hootsuite to upload and schedule your YouTube videos—and then publish that same video to other video networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It’s also easy to use our video integrations—such as the amazing tool Vidyard—to access detailed video and conversion data. Source: https://subsshop.com/.