Guides for branding

Posted by Marian Vasilescu on October 21, 2019 in Business

Searching for Product development recommendations ? When designing your product, think about the advantages it provides its users rather than what it can do. For example, a feature of a portable washer is that it can wash clothes on the go. An advantage is that it doesn’t require a sink attachment. Consumers are more likely to be convinced of your product if you can convey advantages — how your product can improve their life.

In theory, many things can work well, but the real challenge is to make sure it works in reality – at a price consumers can afford. You may need to sample different materials and test out several different combinations before you hit the right combination to head to market with. In the end, it’s much less time consuming and even more cost-effective to sort out your problems as early on as possible. The last thing an entrepreneur needs is to invest time and money into a product that cannot possibly work for whatever reason. Take the time to test out all of your options and conduct your market research with a fully functional prototype to get the most accurate information you need to proceed with your launch. You will almost certainly find bugs and the time to correct them is at the prototype stage, not the launch stage. Read more details on Launching a product.

Take a broad view and make topline decisions that will carry through each element of your brand identity. Now you’ve determined what you stand for and where you want your business to go, but there’s still a few steps to take prior to hiring that web designer or launching a logo contest if you want to get it right the first time. Again, resist the temptation to dive into specific “must-have” elements like a business card, website, or Facebook page until you’ve made some broad decisions upfront about some key concepts such as: Brand voice – fun and playful, socially responsible, careful, edgy, artistic, healthful… think about how you want your brand to speak and sound across all platforms. This “voice” should map back to your larger purpose and core values, and appeal to your ideal customers.

Start-Up tip of the day : Learn from criticism: Relentless negativity is of no use to you, but thoughtful criticism can be very valuable. Any opportunity to improve an aspect of your business should be warmly welcomed. Challenge conventional wisdom: Learn to spot when helpful advice is merely a suggestion to conform to the popular paradigm of the times. Source: